The Ultimate Guide to Gunning Castables from Graphite Depot

Welcome to Graphite Depot, your trusted partner for high-quality refractory solutions. Today, we are excited to introduce you to our premium range of gunning castables, designed to meet the most demanding industrial needs. Our gunning castables are branded under Maxgun, Maxmongun, and

  Maxlyte, each tailored to specific applications and environments. Let's dive into the details and discover what makes our products stand out.

Gunning Castables Overview

Gunning castables are a versatile refractory material applied using a gunning machine. They are ideal for repair and maintenance in various high-temperature industrial settings. Our range includes dense and insulating gunning materials, ensuring that you can find the perfect match for your requirements.

Product Lineup

  1. Maxgun 45
  2. Maxgun 60
  3. Maxmongun 45
  4. Maxmongun 60
  5. Maxmon-ABR Gun 70
  6. Maxlyte 11 Gun
  7. Maxlyte 13 Gun

General Properties

Brand NameFeaturesBase Raw MaterialsInstallationShelf Life (months)Max Service Temp (°C)Max Grain Size (mm)Water Required for Gunning (%)Delivery StatePacking (kg)
Maxgun 45Dense Gunning MaterialCalcined Clay, High Purity CementGunning91450411-15Dry Powder25/50
Maxgun 60Dense Gunning MaterialSillimanite, High Purity CementGunning91500410-14Dry Powder25/50
Maxmongun 45Dense Gunning MaterialCalcined Clay, High Purity CementGunning9145049-12Dry Powder25/50
Maxmongun 60Dense Gunning MaterialSillimanite, High Purity CementGunning9155048-11Dry Powder25/50
Maxmon-ABR Gun 70Dense Gunning MaterialSillimanite, Andalusite, High Purity CementGunning9160047-10Dry Powder25/50
Maxlyte 11 GunDense Gunning MaterialInsulating Grog, Medium Purity CementGunning91300435-45Dry Powder25/50
Maxlyte 13 GunDense Gunning MaterialInsulating Grog, Medium Purity CementGunning91350430-40Dry Powder25/50

Chemical Analysis (wt%)

Brand NameAl2O3 (%)Fe2O3 (%)
Maxgun 4543-452.0-2.5
Maxgun 6058-601.3-1.5
Maxmongun 4543-451.3-1.5
Maxmongun 6058-601.3-1.5
Maxmon-ABR Gun 7068-701.1-1.3
Maxlyte 11 Gun32-353.5-4.5
Maxlyte 13 Gun35-383.5-4.5

Physical Properties

Brand NameBulk Density (g/cc) after Drying at 110°C/24h
Maxgun 451.95-2.05
Maxgun 602.10-2.20
Maxmongun 452.10-2.20
Maxmongun 602.25-2.40
Maxmon-ABR Gun 702.45-2.55
Maxlyte 11 Gun1.30-1.40
Maxlyte 13 Gun1.45-1.55

Mechanical Properties

Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²)

Brand NameAfter Drying at 110°C/24hAfter Firing at 800°C/3hAfter Firing at 1100°C/3hAfter Firing at 1400°C/3h
Maxgun 45250-350150-250100-200250-350
Maxgun 60300-400200-300150-250300-400
Maxmongun 45400-500500-600550-650600-700
Maxmongun 60500-600600-700650-750700-800
Maxmon-ABR Gun 70600-700700-800750-850800-900 at 1500°C/3h
Maxlyte 11 Gun40-5025-3515-25
Maxlyte 13 Gun70-8040-5030-40

Modulus of Rupture (kg/cm²)

Brand NameAfter Drying at 110°C/24hAfter Firing at 800°C/3hAfter Firing at 1100°C/3hAfter Firing at 1400°C/3h
Maxgun 4535-4520-3015-2535-45
Maxgun 6040-5030-4020-3040-50
Maxmongun 4550-6055-6560-6560-70
Maxmongun 6060-7065-7570-7570-80
Maxmon-ABR Gun 7065-7570-8075-8580-90 at 1500°C/3h
Maxlyte 11 Gun8-156-125-10
Maxlyte 13 Gun10-188-156-12

Thermal Properties

Brand NameRefractoriness (°C/°C) min.Permanent Linear Change (%) After Firing at 800°C/3hPermanent Linear Change (%) After Firing at 1100°C/3hPermanent Linear Change (%) After Firing at 1400°C/3h
Maxgun 451621/26+±0.4±0.6±1.5
Maxgun 601665/30+±0.3±0.5±1.0
Maxmongun 451683/31+±0.3±0.5±1.2
Maxmongun 601785/35+±0.3±0.4±1.0
Maxmon-ABR Gun 701804/36+±0.3±0.4±0.8 at 1500°C/3h
Maxlyte 11 Gun1398/14+±0.8±1.2
Maxlyte 13 Gun1398/14+±0.6±1.0


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